wordsout by godfrey rust
words from the cross  < 6 of 7 >


I saw it first, this bloody work of heart,
conceived in my mind’s eye in the beginning,
or what you call the beginning. Time
was the canvas I prepared to paint on.
I drew its outline in the life of Abraham,
my palette history, its colours mixed
in Israel’s rise and fall. I worked from life:
against a landscape of an Eden spoiled
my people with their untamed rebel hearts
stared out through masks of beauty scarred with sin.

Painstaking detail. Light and darkness. Then
the hardest thing I ever did: love 
was daubed with every brush-stroke of the Spirit
on the unforgiving texture of the soul.

Finally to shape the central figure
I needed human hands. I laboured with Mary
to bring the enterprise to birth. Three more decades
of preparation were meticulous—

it is not irony that I was framed
and hung up here to die: it is the point.

I am the artist and the portrait too,
painting out at last in the blood of God
a perfect self-expression: 
my still life.
This is my masterpiece and it is finished.

Sixth poem of seven in the sequence words from the cross.  

© Godfrey Rust 2003, godfrey@wordsout.co.uk. See here for permissions.