wordsout by godfrey rust
< ealing eagles >

Limericks for two ill-Eagles

for Mark Yabsley and Judith Earnshaw, May 2013

If you feel, as you sit down to dinner,
that you ought to be fitter or thinner,
Eagles have a fine plan
and Mark Yabsley's the man
to make winners of any beginner!

But no matter how much you achieve
your youth you will never retrieve—
Mark loved running so much
it became like a crutch—
so he stopped (but it's just gardening leave...)

By now you have probably heard
Judith's marathon moment's deferred—
so until she takes wing
she's content just to sing—
the Eaglette's a Fabulous bird!*

Mark and Judith were each suffering long-term injuries which prevented them from running at the time they celebrated their birthdays with drinks at the Rose and Crown in Ealing. Mark co-leads the club Beginners' groups and Judith (*one of the Fabulous Eaglettes in the "Fly with the Eagles" video) had been entered for her first London Marathon. Mark was on crutches for a while. He is the joint owner of a gardening business.