wordsout by godfrey rust


I don't believe in miracles.
There's always a rational explanation.

I believe
the Red Sea
was parted by a rockslide
coming at a convenient time
(though not convenient of course
if you happened to be Egyptian).

The five thousand were fed
by long French loaves
which they had selfishly
hidden up their jumpers
and which the Gospel writers carelessly
omitted to mention.

The water wasn't turned into wine exactly,
it was more God's way of saying
Water's very nice too, you know.

The healings weren't anything remarkable.
Jesus was just a good doctor
a bit ahead of his time,
say about 10,000 years.
As for the Virgin Birth,
I've always thought
that sort of thing just

and Jesus didn't really rise.
His disciples just wanted
to keep the truth alive,
so they stole the body
and lied about it.

I don't believe in miracles.
There's always a rational explanation.

© Godfrey Rust 1986, godfrey@wordsout.co.uk. See here for permissions.